Information Management Cell (IM Cell)
The advent of Information Technology is evident from the penetration of ICTs in government which changed the work culture tremendously and aided the government to tap potential of the employees to work in an automated environment. The State Government is emphasizing on adopting Web based monitoring and e-governance in managing rural development programmes for facilitating better realization of targets. As part of the Government’s holistic approach for computerization of the Panchayats in West Bengal, arrangements have been made for wide capacity building for the end users so that people at the grass root may be served better with increased institutional efficiency so that the service delivery as a whole may be better and more effective. The Information Management Cell of this institute has been playing a pivotal role since 1999 in providing institutional training in the field of Computer Application to the last mile. Special emphasis has been given so that officials and PRI functionaries can equip themselves in handling computers for managing their day to-day task easily and effectively. Apart from conducting fundamental courses on computer and other advanced courses on customized packages, sessions on computer fundamentals have been made compulsory in both induction and in-service training of the functionaries.
Appropriate adoption of Information Technology and orientation of rural development functionaries to the potential of ICTs is indispensable in the overall strategy for rural development. Information dissemination through capacity building and providing skills to Rural Development Functionaries in appropriate ICT tools and applications to systematically manage information in sharable platforms, and to take informed decisions at various levels for achieving optimum results are imperative tools in this direction. The Information Management Cell renders these services to assist the development functionaries and is thus engaged in the following activities:
- Organize Training Programmes for capacity building of the newly elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions and officials so that they can perform their constitutionally and legislatively mandated functions better by using information technology as
– decision making support system for Panchayats
– tool for transparency, disclosure of information to citizens, social audit
– better and convergent delivery of services to citizens
– improving internal management and efficiency of Panchayats
– a means for capacity building
- Hardware/System Maintenance of the Institute
- Data Analysis & Software support for different Studies/Research Work in various aspects of rural development
- Network Administration
- Design & Maintenance of different Databases
- Development of in-house Application Software
100 State of the Art Windows systems across two campuses of the institute under INTRANET-(LAN) through structured cabling under FIBRE OPTIC backbone for online accessing of information across the Faculties with one Server dedicated for Knowledge Management.
1) LAN (Windows Network)
2) Centralised E-mail System
3) Internet through a dedicated gateway with UTM solution
4) Database of Participants
5) Round the clock internet access and Wi-Fi for participants in the Training Halls
6) High speed internet for online access & E-mail
Computer LAB having 20 state of the art Desktop systems for hands-on training with online connectivity through LAN.
The Cell as part of its training activities conducts following training programmes every year apart from specialized programmes.
· Training on Information Technology application – 1 week duration
· Training on IFMS (for ZP & PS) and GPMS (for GP)
· Training on different online software packages
The clientele of Information Management Cell includes a large number of elected representatives from Zilla Parishads & Panchayat Samities, rural development functionaries from state, district and block levels. Training in Computer Application for rural development functionaries has in fact become an imperative part of the rural development process as it is realized that it is essential to help the development personnel to improve their managerial skill in using IT as well as to keep them abreast with the latest changes in information & communication technologies to enable them to augment their knowledge base in order to ensure an effective delivery system. The Cell has been playing a modest but credible role in SIPRD by facilitating qualitative changes in e-Governance initiatives through the process of training and information dissemination. This has enabled the Institute to emerge as the State Apex Institute for Training, Research and Consultancy in the area of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
Contact person: Shri Sumit Kumar Gupta, Senior Faculty Member (+919831485862)