General objectives
To organize training programmes for rural development administrators and panchayat functionaries, NGOs, Engineers and others to facilitate exchange of ideas.
To promote study/research into the fields of rural governance and rural development for finding the factors contributing towards good governance and sustainable development.
Specific Objectives
To organize training, seminars and workshops for capacity building of rural development administrators, functionaries of Panchayats, NGOs, Engineers who are engaged in rural development in order to equip them with appropriate knowledge, skill and attitude.
To aid, promote and co-ordinate research and action research programmes through its own and other agencies including universities and rural development organizations.
To analyze and offer solutions of specific problems encountered in the planning and implementation of various programmes of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Institutions.
To study various aspects of the PRIs and Rural Development programmes across the districts.
To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals and books for dissemination of information in furtherance of the mission of the Institute.
To establish and maintain libraries and information services on rural development and act as a storehouse of all informations in the related fields.
To collaborate and network with other institutions, associations and societies in the state or in the country or abroad who have identical interests.
To suggest alternation and amendments in the existent rules and regulations which are in vogue in the field of Panchayats & Rural development.