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• To identify capacity building need of different stakeholders involved in promotion of Self Help Groups and organization building of the poor 
• To conduct workshop on issues related to implementation of SGSY and NRLM
• To develop training and IEC material to provide information support
• To share innovative practices with different stakeholders within the state and outside
• To conduct exposure visit to the practitioners
• To organize introductory and advance training for the stakeholders
• To document remarkable practices from the field
• To provide consultancy services to the academic and implementing institutions


Approach and function:

With the increase in number of SHGs in the state and the changes in the implementation policy of the state government, the approach to the capacity building programmes has gradually changed. SIPRD, being prime Institute for rendering capacity Building support under major centrally sponsored poverty alleviation programme called Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna(SGSY),has intensified on the special need of the stakeholders of different level and critical need of the districts assessed through continuous field observation and systematic exercise followed by the faculty involved.
The programmes conducted by SHG and SGSY cell of SIPRD during the year 2008-09 and 2009-10, can be distinctively categorized into two types.

Type 1. specifically to cater the need of the State Panchyats and rural Development Department and SIPRD

Type 2. conducted in collaboration with National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD),govt. of India to address the need for enrichment of the stakeholders against the broad framework of SGSY.

Major Issues covered in the programmes:

The TOT II programmes were designed to percolate and share following major issues:

• SHGs as prime mode of poor’s organization and building block of development in the state.
• State’s vision regarding self help group & rural Development with special emphasis on linkage with PRI
• Major features of SGSY with special reference to district wise performance of the programme.
• Organisation and financial management of SHG under SGSY
• Different mode of evaluation of performance by the SHGs including self measurement mechanism.
• Convergence with wage employment and social security programme.
• Livelihood option for the SHGs under different agro climatic region
• Natural resource management for food & livelihood security.
• Social security programmes for the group members (individual & collective)
• Social Assistance programme for the valuable group and individuals in the special trade.
• SHG- based institution – nature & function – experience of different model in West Bengal & outside.



News on programmes already conducted:


Workshop on Livelihood of SHGs

Participants: Resource persons from research institutes (KVKs,CADC,BCKV,),NGOs working with sustainable agriculture,DRDC officials,Forest Department

Workshop on development of Capacity Building StraTEGY under sgsy
Participants: Officers from P&D Department,NGO representatives,SIPRD faculty

Workshop on Training and IEC material
District training coordinators and livelihood Development officers of DRDCs,NGO representatives and state level trainers, Officers from state P& Rd Department and faculty of SIPRD

Selected DRPs , DRDC officials ,state level traininers, Officers from state P& Rd Department and faculty of SIPRD


Training Programmes:

Orientation Programme on Market Oriented Value Enhancement (MOVE)

Participants: DRDC officials,SIPRD faculty and Officials from State P&RD Department.

Training on Bank Linkage for SHG
Branch Managers of different Nationalised Banks, DDMs- NABARD,Lead District Managers of different districts and officials deputed from SLBC, West Bengal

Training For the Project Directors and Deputy project Directors(DRDC)
Project Directors and deputy Project Directors of DRDCs

Training on SHG software
Block and DRDC officials who are entrusted to maintain data base and report generation

Training Programme on Financial Literacy
Participants:DRPs,Cluster Leaders, DRDC officials,State Departmental Officers, SIPRD faculty


Training of the District Resource Persons (DRPs)

Participants: District Resource Persons of selected Districts

Participants : BDOS and Savapatis of Panchyat samitis and block nodal officers (SGSY )

Regional Training Programme on STANDARDIZATION, QUALITY management and Packaging Technologies for rural Products
Participants: DRPs,Cluster Leaders, DRDC officials,State Departmental Officers, SIPRD faculty

Training of Livelihood Resource Persons
Participants : First batch of livelihood Resource Persons and district level officials

Partricipants: Newly appointed Women development Officers and Gram Sevikas of Purulia District



A compilation of cases of SHGs from different districts of WEST Bengal primarily focuses on the group members who have shown merit in enterprise management, resource utilization and credit mobilization either collectively or individually.

A complete manual for the field workers and promoter of SHGs prepared on the basis on the previous publication Swanirvar Daler Sahaj  Path. The manual deals with the concept, operational detail and facilitators’ role in SHG promotion.

A complete manual for the trainers extending handholding training at the SHG level. It deals with the modules and the process of the essential training input to be imparted to the SHG members and leaders at different stages of group development.

Contact person :Smt. Susmita Chowdhury, Senior Faculty Member  mobile no-9831232408


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